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Uczcijmy klasykę. Ciesz się 35 latami innowacji gitarowych. Dodaj nową nutę do swojej kolekcji gitar z PRS 35. Anniversary Custom 24. Tak, to prawda Paul został crafting gitary od 35 lat i z okazji tych urodzin PRS wydali ten limited edition model. To jest wszystko, co kochasz w PRS. Podstrunnica z palisandru, korpus z mahoniu i przetworniki 85/15 są wiązane razem w ogniste Red Burst wykończenie, klasyczne PRS ptasie inkrustacje i 35-letni ptaszek abalone na główce. To doświadczenie zawinięte w piękno.
To uzależnia od zabawy. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś na scenie, w domu, czy w studio, nie będziesz chciał odłożyć 35. Anniversary Custom 24. Ikoniczne przetworniki 85/15 są wyposażone w dwa przełączniki mini-toggle, które pozwalają na zwijanie humbuckerów w celu uzyskania ostrego single coil dźwięku, gdy chwila tego wymaga. Przejdź od grubego, ciepłego dźwięku do single coil sonicznego, który przebija się do przodu mieszanki. I, możesz przyprawić swoje solówki. Opatentowany projekt tremolo Gen III pozwala na wyrażenie każdej nuty z prawdziwą indywidualnością. Za następne 35 lat PRS.
Numer produktu: 165607
Astonishing articulation. The 85/15 pickup combination in this beauty adds to its dynamic and versatile nature. Both humbuckers deliver a punch with plenty of output and detailed tone. With the gain turned up, you'll produce a sound with meaty overdrive, bite, and aggression. Dial the gain down and they'll respond with warm vintage crunch and crystal clear clarity. Harness the diversity of these well-loved pickups.
It meets the demands of the modern musician. Featuring a 3-way selector, tone, and volume controls, players have the freedom to sculpt their tone to get the exact sound they want. So you can easily switch up your guitar's voice to excel in any genre you wish, and it'll continue to maintain that hallmark PRS character. To top it off, the tone control features two mini-toggle coil-tap switches to offer even more versatility in your playing, ensuring your creativity bears no restriction.
Spark creativity. Feed your imagination. It's so much easier to express and explore new techniques and styles when you're not held back by discomfort. PRS know this. So, they've made sure you'll experience easy transitions across the fretboard thanks to an ultra-smooth rosewood surface. It's combined with a sleek, mahogany neck that fits perfectly in your hand, giving you endless hours of comfortable practice and performance. Enjoy effortless access to the upper frets with an ergonomic, dual-cutaway body design. Whether you're shredding up high or unleashing fat, low-end riffs - this guitar offers a feel that's natural.
It doesn't stop at playability, though. A classic PRS Tremolo bridge opens up a new world of sonic possibilities. Dive bombs, vibrato – you name it. The 35th Anniversary Custom 24 can do it all. And, thanks to its meticulous design, you can have confidence that your strings will snap straight back to their original tuning after you're done hammering your riffs away. Because PRS know what's required for world-class performance, and they've delivered just that.
It demands audience attention. With a finish so eye-catching and unique, how could it not? A flame top provides a breathtaking aesthetic, showcasing the sumptuous grain pattern. But its elegant design isn't just limited to the body. The iconic PRS bird inlays are placed across the fretboard for even more stunning beauty. Topped off with a striking finish, the 35th Anniversary Custom 24 simply radiates one-of-a-kind style. So, whether you're rehearsing, or playing live - it's all eyes on you.