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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
Konsola instrumenty perkusyjne razem do jednolitego dokumentu programowego-20 ułatwia dodawanie szerokiego zakresu wysokiej jakości bęben, perkusja dźwięki do jednego z koncertów, studyjny koncerty i próby.
Numer produktu: 10660
Flagship sounds and features
The SPD-20's sound set includes everything from ethnic and world percussion instruments to classic and modern acoustic and electronic drum sounds�700 sounds total! Out of the box, you get 99 Preset Patches and six rhythm loops that can be played via eight high-quality pads with natural response�even when playing with common drumming techniques like rolls and flams.
Infinitely expressive
Four external dual-trigger inputs make the SPD-20 compatible with a dedicated hi-hat or kick drum controller and any of Roland`s drum pads (including V-Pads�). The trigger inputs can also be used with acoustic drum triggers for triggering acoustic drums. Other noteworthy features include a velocity-sensitive Layer function, onboard effects and MIDI connections for using the SPD-20 as a controller or sound module.
Roland SPD20 Features
Compact electronic percussion multi-pad/sound module with 700 high-quality drum and percussion sounds
Broad selection of ethnic/world percussion instruments
8 velocity-sensitive pads for expressive triggering and MIDI output
Built-in selectable multi-effects algorithms
Four dual-trigger inputs for triggering SPD-20 sounds from external pads
Can be connected directly to acoustic drum triggers via four drum trigger inputs