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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
No wonder TT-M1 stands for �turntable Magic.� It retrofits onto the edge of just about any standard DJ turntable to control the CD-DJ1 CD player.
Also compatible with Tascam CD-X1500 and CD-X1700
Numer produktu: 9093
The compact, durable TT-M1 requires no additional special audio hook-ups, no computer, and no special vinyl records � you may even scratch with your turntable`s slipmat if you like!
Once fitted to your turntable (you can still use your tone arm), the new TT-M1 lets you use turntable controls such as start/stop, tempo slider, power on/off for winding down and winding up, and of course the turntable platter for scratching, pitch bending and back-spinning all to control CD audio.
Main Features
CD scratch controller for DJ CD players with TASCAM TT-LINK®-Accessory connector
Scratch, pitch bend, back-spin and otherwise control your CDs like you were using vinyl
�Turntable Magic� retrofits onto the edge of just about any standard DJ turntable (tone arm can still be used)
No additional special audio hook-ups required
No computer and no special vinyl records required
Use DJ turntable platter and controls such as start/stop, tempo slider, power on/off to control CD audio
Can also work without a turntable (scratch on any flat surface!)
Powered by the DJ CD player