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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
DJX700 PRO MIKSERA jest zawodowych mikser DJ 5-kanałowy dzięki takim funkcjom, Wielki natychmiast ingrain się na krótką listę dysponowanie standardami.
Numer produktu: 3082
Start with our high-grade 45-mm ULTRAGLIDE faders. The faders are, after all, the heart and soul of each mixer. With their 500,000 cycles life expectancy, they outperform standard faders more than twenty-fold. VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) technology goes hand in hand with our faders�audio signal does not run directly through them; instead, the faders only provide a control voltage to the VCAs. The advantage: practically no audio noise caused by mechanical wear.
Your crowd will be astounded by the 47 breathtaking digital effect presets in 24-bit quality: delay, reverb, flanger, filter, panner, ultrabass, exciter, Vinylizer, voice changer and more. Your audience will be astounded, but they`ll never have to know your secret.
Matching tracks is an art in itself. It takes countless nights of practice before you can truly say you have it under your belt. With our intelligent BPM counter, we take a lot of the guesswork out. Features like SYNC LOCK and BEAT ASSIST help you seamlessly align two tracks without having to rely solely on your ears.
We also give you our awesome XPQ 3D surround function. It widens the stereo image and adds life and transparency to your sound�it`s a great way to put a unique finishing touch to your sound and make it feel bigger and wider.
You work either with CDs or vinyl�sometimes both�and they all induce their own noise into the mix. The last thing you want is to pile even more mixer-originated noise on top of that. That`s why all of our DJ mixers incorporate the improved ULN (Ultra Low-Noise) preamps: what comes in comes out, with nothing added. So you get maximum headroom, minimal noise and ultra-transparent sound.
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