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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
Numer produktu: 9151
The TT200 delivers many of the innovative features found in Numark`s popular TTX turntable, in a cost-effective package. The TT200 features a direct drive motor that delivers 1.7 kg/cm of torque, Numark quality and dependability with all the features that vinyl DJs require to excel.
Numark TT200 Turntable Features
High torque direct drive motor
Interchangeable aluminum, skip�resistant straight tonearm (S�shaped tonearm optional)
Precise cue, height and anti�skate adjustments
Battle and club style design
Steel top, rubberized base, aluminum platter
User�replaceable pitch fader, removable aluminum target light (optional)
±10% pitch range
33, 45 and 78 RPM, reverse playback capability
Headshell and 45 adapter included