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5 Zespołu mastering plug-in dla karty TC Powercore
Wymaga TC Powercore sprzęt
Numer produktu: 4486
MASTER X5 goes beyond the MASTER X3 Finalizer implementation, offering 5 bands, different filter slopes and double-precision processing.
This Plug-In provides even more detailed access during the mastering process for CD and broadcast. It is optimized for 44.1 and 48 kHz processing and also an ideal tool for optimizing material like commercials for broadcast applications; the 5 bands allow to get even more "level" out of the program material.
� 5-Band processing with adjustable crossovers
� Expander
� Compressor
� Limiter
� Dithering (uncorrelated)
� Look-Ahead feature of up to 10 ms
� Adjustable Digital Ceiling with accuracy of up to 0.05 dB
� Hi-Res Metering with selectable Hold Modes
� Consecutive Clippings counter
� 1 per DSP in 48 kHz