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Numer produktu: 8786
With its extended low-frequency response, the AT3035 produces rich, full sound reproduction and handles extremely high sound pressure levels with ease. Tailored for a smooth, natural sound, this mic is a perfect complement for digital recording equipment. Along with its rugged construction and high-performance specifications, the AT3035 provides an exceptional level of consistency from model to model.
Custom-engineered large diaphragm for exceptional detail and low noise
Cardioid polar pattern reduces pickup of sounds from the sides and rear, improving isolation of desired sound source
High max SPL, wide dynamic range and optimized output level provide unmatched versatility
Low self-noise (12 dB SPL) � perfectly suited for today's most sophisticated digital recording equipment
Extended low-frequency response for rich, full sound
State-of-the-art surface-mount electronics ensure compliance with A-T's stringent consistency and reliability standards
Custom shock mount provides superior isolation
Lo-cut switch (80 Hz, 12 dB/octave) and 10 dB pad