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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
Adam Audio A5 jest najmniejszą scion monitory Studio programu ADAM, które są stosowane w wielu najbardziej renomowanych nagrywania i dźwięku studios na całym świecie.
Numer produktu: 11353
A5 is the smallest scion of the ADAM Studio Monitors and technically a smaller brother of the A7. The A5 uses the same ADAM proprietary transducer technology (ART) and the same woofer consisting of a sandwich construction of carbon fiber and Rohacell®, only reduced in size to 5�. The built-in amplifiers with 2 x 25 W power control the drivers directly.
On the rear side there is a panel with numerous possibilities to adapt the loudspeaker to the specific room acoustics or personal preferences. Also, the A5 features both ballanced (XLR) and unballanced (RCA) inputs to ensure connectivity to virtually any application in professional studios or at home. A useful special feature is the Stereo-link®, an exclusive technology of the A5: There are two additional in- and outputs for the second stereo channel which enable the user to adjust the volume of both loudspeakers with one control only.
The ART (Accelerating Ribbon Technology) design is the most famous of ADAM�s proprietary innovations. Whereas all other drive units moves air in a 1:1 ratio, this technology achieves an improvement in air loading by a factor of 4 over conventional transducers, resulting in an unprecedented clarity and pristine transient reproduction.
� ART Tweeter
� Velocity transfer ratio 4:1
� Woofer 147 mm
� Woofer material Rohacell / Carbonfibre
� Built-in amplifiers 2 x 25 W RMS
� Frequency response }3dB 55 Hz - 35 kHz
� THD >80 Hz . 1,5%
� SPL with sine wave 100 Hz to 3 kHz in 1m . 101 dB SPL
� Max. peak acoustic output in 1m per pair . 110 dB SPL
� Crossover frequency 2.200 Hz
� Inputs balanced XLR + unbalanced RCA
� Input impedance 10 k
� Weight 5 kg / 11 lb.
� Magnetically shielded
Height x Width x Depth 285 x 172 x 200 mm 11.2 x 6.8 x 7.9inch