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W systemie 3-poziom Keylighting lekcji nowoczesnych podświetlana klawiatura klucza LK-215 zapewnia niewyczerpalnego szybki postęp w praktyce.
Numer produktu: 10633
With the 61 illuminated learning keys with touch response, you can learn to play the keyboard at your own speed. 120 rhythms and 8 digital effects turn practice units into an even more enriching experience. The USB interface enables you to load your favourite songs quickly and easily onto the LK-215 from your PC.
Keylighting Lesson SystemThe 61 illuminated keys of the LK-215 are your guide to a diverse range of songs: The 3-level, interactive Lighting Guide assesses your progress level for level, offering you a simple solution for reaching your learning goals.
Microphone jack for sing along� Connect a microphone (not supplied) and you can sing along with the built-in tunes, your own keyboard play, and SMF data.
� Simple operations adjust the microphone volume level.
High-quality sounds� HL sound source for high-quality tones (including stereo sampled grand piano tone)
� Digital effects for richer sounds (reverb: 4 types, chorus: 4 types)
Touch Response for more expressive potential
Multiple lesson functions
3-Step Lesson
Step-by-step lessons help you improve at your own pace.
Scoring System
Lesson evaluations appear on the LCD during the lesson and at the end of the lesson.
Fingering Guide Display (LCD)
Voice Fingering Guide
A human voice calls out finger numbers to guide you to the correct fingering.
Lesson Part Select
(right hand, left hand, both hands)
USB port for easy connection to a computer * Supported operating systems: Windows® 98 / 98SE / Me / 2000 Professional / XP Home Edition / XP Professional, Windows Vista� (32-bit Version), Mac OS not supported.
Driver is included on the bundled CD-ROM
USB cable not included
SD memory card slotPlayback of SMF (Format 0).
SD memory card not included
**Product Highlights