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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
Nowe i DA5 łączy przenośność i wszechstronność z wielkim palety dźwięki gitara
Zakończ armii zieleni!
Prawie Nowe: Ten produkt mógł zostać wcześniej otworzony w celu kontroli jakości, zwrócony przez klienta, odrestaurowany lub może brakować części nieistotych dla działania produktu lub oprogramowania. Pod każdym innym względem, produkt działa jak nowy. To idealna okazja, aby zakupić w pełni funkcjonalny produkt w obniżonej cenie.
Numer produktu: 2666
Today's guitarist wants a palette of guitar tones to choose from, and this new amp delivers. Whether it's a clean, shimmering guitar sound, raucous crunch, or full-tilt gain with outrageous overdrive, the new DA5 has it, and all points in between.
Great sounding effects.
The versatility extends to a full complement of 11 digital effects. The DA5 features auto-wah, chorus + delay, chorus + reverb, compressor, compressor + chorus, compressor + phaser, delay, flanger + reverb, reverb, rotary + reverb, and tremolo + reverb. There's also a Tap Button that makes it easy to set the delay time or modulation speed.
Play it anywhere!
The ingenious DA5 can be powered by its AC adapter or by six C batteries. A built-in output power switch (5W, 1.5W, 0.5W) helps extend battery life and lets you play at lower volume without losing any tone or feel.
That's not the only trick the clever DA5 has ups its sleeve. Connect an external audio device such as a CD or MP3 player to the DA5's AUX IN, plug a mic into the MIC INPUT, plug your guitar in, and you can play and sing along with your favorite band or recording!
Great for practicing and recording.
The DA5 is equipped with a combination Line/Headphone output so you can connect to a headphone, mixer or recorder. The amp's emulated line out provides a full, realistic sound whether you're recording direct or listening through headphones. And since plugging into the jack defeats the speaker output, you can practice when you want, where you want, and as loud as you want in total privacy.
Number of Styles: 11
Number of Effects: 11 plus noise reduction
Signal Processing: 24-bit (both A/D and D/A conversion), 44.1 kHz sampling frequency
Power Amp Output: Maximum 5W RMS @ 8 ohms
Speaker: 1 x 6.5 inch, VOX original (8 ohm)
Power Supply: Six C batteries or the included AC adapter
Current Consumption: 390 mA
Dimensions: 10.51� x 7.05� x 10.51� (W x D x H)
Weight: 7.72 lbs.