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Przedstawiamy nowy zakres Classic Plus wzmacniacze wszystkie rury z VOX. Ten skład napędzanych EL34 poślubia klasyczne VOX tonu i chime rock and roll legenda z uniwersalnym kanału dużego zysku, który wykracza poza niczego VOX s 50 lat historii i na nowy obszar sonic VOX.
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##PDF 17989 ##
Numer produktu: 8620
With the new AC50CP2 50-Watt combo, the Classic Plus range delivers amps that do it all � from the �50s to tomorrow. Sound big? You bet. What do 50 years of classic VOX sonic history sound like? Play one.
Two channels, endless possibilitiesThe Classic Plus is a channel-switching valve pre- and power-amp guitar amplifier that can produce many flavours of tone, from pristine clean to impressive high-gains, and all points between.
Channel 1covers classic VOX AC30 tones, from sparkling clean to raunchy overdrive. The EQ on this channel is of the interactive passive format that is historic to VOX Top Boost amplifiers and boasts the addition of the famous Tone Cut control, which musically rolls off high end as it is turned up.
Channel 2picks up where Channel 1 leaves off, delivering everything from modern blues and classic rock tones all the way to high gain classic metal sounds and fluid lead tones. While Channel 2`s EQ controls are also of the interactive passive format, they are centered on different frequencies to enhance the higher gain capabilities of Channel 2. The Channel 2 Bright Switch brings in an extra capacitor (switch down) across the Gain control to boost the high-mid and upper frequencies and is particularly effective on lower gain settings. The Bright Switch is great for giving extra bite and clarity to muddy sounding humbuckers. The Fat Switch adds extra gain, and focuses the mid range of the guitar and amp, which helps produce a �singing� tone when playing lead lines.
The Presence Control circuit is another unique feature to the AC range. It combines the traditional active power amp feedback circuit with a passive circuit within Channel 2`s preamp. This not only focuses the Presence boost, but, if you turn the control down, it will also introduce a high frequency cut filter that can be used to de-fuzz the preamp distortion, making it less aggressive and sweeter.
**Total, tonal control