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Ibanez RG420EG SKB-Spider Web Zakończ. przystępna cenowo gitara elektryczna RG gościnnie organy routowanej sieci Web Spider
Numer produktu: 11322
In the Tarot deck, The Magician card represents power, and not just slight-of-hand parlor tricks real power to sway, influence and dazzle. The S holds this formidable power as well. Its sleek, comfortable body, double-locking tremolo and high-gain pickup combos make possible the creation of sonic spider webs and vast oceans of chaos.
One of the most popular metal guitars ever.
Fast, flat and thin Wizard necks for comfort and speed.
Double-locking trem systems allow radical effects and sonic chaos with total tuning stability.
The body top is engraved in a Spider Web -like pattern. Another pattern, BRD is inspired by a brick pattern
Using the Edge III tremolo design provides even more stability and strength under the most demanding playing conditions.
� 3pc Wizard II neck
� Basswood body
� Jumbo frets
� Edge III bridge
� Ibanez original V7 & V8 pickups on the RG420EG.
� V7 (H) neck pickup
� V8 (H) bridge pickup
Neck Dimension
� Scale 648mm/25.5"
� Width at Nut 43mm
� Width at Last Fret 56mm (at 21 F)
� Thickness at 1st 19mm
� Thickness at 12th 21mm
� Radius 400mmR