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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
Wszechstronny struny 4, Jazz stylu gitara basowa w kolorze niebieskim, po bardzo konkurencyjnych cenach.
Numer produktu: 0080
The Jazz bass` front and rear pick ups help to make this an incredibly flexible instrument. The attention to detail and overall build quality is very impressive, and for the price we have yet to see better. Looks and sounds great!
Model: Electric bass guitar
Body: Solid Maple
Fingerboard: Rosewood
Scale: 20 Frets
Pick Ups: Jazz Bass Front & Rear
2 x volume
1 x tone
Colour: Blue
14 day money back guarantee + 1 year warranty
How do Gear4music sell high quality musical instruments at such low prices?
Following years of research, development and evaluation Gear4music have teamed up directly with the very best manufacturers from around the globe and commissioned a range of music products that we are proud to have bear the Gear4music name. They are shipped directly from professional manufacturing workshops to our UK distribution centre for final checks before being delivered to you, cutting out the �middleman`, lowering transport costs, and providing the best possible value for money.
Today, you'll find drum kits, acoustic and electric guitars, woodwind, brass and string instruments for sale, all at incredibly low prices. But the impressive-looking prices aren't the end of the story; not only are our instruments made to the highly playable standards that you`d expect on more expensive products, but they are produced ethically and responsibly to meet the expectations of a caring world.