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Ibanez AGS83BBG 6-Semi akustyczna gitara, ze wspaniałą góry Bubinga.
Numer produktu: 11323
Designed for high-volume jazz, the new ultra-slim AGS83B semi-acoustic provides an extra-deep cutaway and a 17-frets to the-body joint. Although the body is small for comfort, projection and feedback elimination, a natural, open-pore finish allows greater body resonance.
The super-thin AGS83B features a 17-fret to the body joint and an extra-deep cutaway that makes it the right choice for players who want to spend more time-with ease and comfort-in the upper regions.
A guitar does not have to determine the type of music that is played. Ibanez Artcore has always sought to produce box guitars that rock. The semi-acoustic AGS features the same AG shape but with a thinner body and a soundblock for feedback reduction and increased sustain.
Semi-acoustic body with a feedback-rejecting soundblock that increases sustain.
New AGS83BBGNTF features a Natural Flat finish and Bubinga top/back and sides.
� 3pc Artcore Mahogany/Maple set-in neck
� Bubinga top/back/sides
� Medium frets
� ART-1 bridge
� QUIK CHANGE III tailpiece
� ACH1 (H) neck pickup
� ACH2 (H) bridge pickup
Neck Dimension:
� Scale 628mm/24.75"
� Width at Nut 43mm
� Width at Last Fret 58.5mm
� Thickness at 1st 20mm
� Thickness at 12th 22.5mm
� Radius 305mmR