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Ten opis został przetłumaczony automatycznie z języka angielskiego - Oryginalną wersję zobacz tutaj
Numark CDMix 3 - designed expressly for mobile DJs and club owners in search of a compact, highly portable system that sets up and packs away on a moment�s notice.
Numer produktu: 8343
With the CDMIX3, DJs can play both standard CD audio and MP3 CDs, including full MP3 file and folder support, with seamless looping on MP3 and ID3 tags.
The CDMIX3 also features fader start abilities to simplify the mixing experience and provides buffered Anti�Shock� memory protection. The pitch bend/jog wheel allows ±8%, ±16% pitch control.
It also delivers seamless looping, and pitch control with a pitch bend wheel among its wealth of features.
Numark CDMix3 Features
� Support for standard audio CDs and MP3 CDs
� Buffered Anti-Shock memory protection for consistent playback under trying conditions .
� Seamless loops for both CD audio and MP3 files.
� True buffered instant start.
� Stutter start capability with settable stutter points.
± 12% pitch bend capability via its pitch bend/jog wheel.
� Master EQ section and individual channel EQ.
� Weight: 5.2kgs